Does Your Concrete Need Patched or Completely Redone?

The winter is finally over and you are beginning your spring cleaning and landscaping and you notice your concrete basement, garage, and/or patio is cracked! Does this mean your concrete is ruined or just needs patched? Here are some tips and tricks to tell whether to patch or redo your concrete: 


  1. Cracks

brown shoes standing next to cracking concrete

The first major sign that your concrete needs patched is cracking. This is the easiest sign to see. Cracking happens due to the shifting of soil and tectonic plates. You will notice cracks will appear usually around the changing of the seasons. Weather is the biggest factor in soil expansion and contracting.

  1. Signs of Aging

Concrete especially exposed to the elements or in high traffic areas are way more susceptible to aging and wear and tear. If you notice divots, widening of gaps, or just a general “shabby” look, it may be time for a reseal or some patching! 


  1. Pooling and Drainage Issues

The first major sign that your concrete needs redone is if water is pooling on your concrete or you are having drainage issues. Pooling is more obvious with concrete that is exposed to rain and can be more difficult to tell indoors, but it may be worth it to check your concrete drainage once a year or more. 

  1. Sloping Areas

The best way to test if your concrete is sloping is to place a ball directly in the middle of the floor and if it rolls fairly fast to one side or another, you should call a professional. 

  1. Doors won’t open properly

Another telltale sign that your concrete foundation is damaged is when the doors in your garage or basement or wherever you have concrete are hard to open or won’t open at all. 

When you aren’t sure whether or not your concrete needs fixed, schedule a consultation to see what the Cutting Edge Decorative Concrete can do for you! It is our mission to protect, preserve, and enhance your concrete and your home through master craftsmanship. We are here for you, Northeast Ohio!